May We Bless All Living Beings

Dear Friends of the Animals,

As we move beyond the winter solstice tomorrow, Friday, December 21st, we begin that lovely journey from the longest days of darkness to the gradually increasing light that will become our spring and our summer, our days of renewal and rejuvenation.  We come to the end of a year, and we celebrate all that gives us joy and fulfillment, and we dream our dreams and set our plans for all that can come into being.

During this time of holiday celebrations, of celebrating the life of one who taught only of love and compassion, we look back and take measure, and we look forward with anticipation.  And we find ourselves taking moments to be thankful.  We are thankful for friends and family, for food and clean water, for warm places to sleep, for blue skies and sunshine, and the freedom to do and be what we choose. 

As we open our hearts in gratefulness for all the blessings that we have, we recognize that there are other sentient beings with whom we share beautiful Mother Earth who are less fortunate than we are.  Just as the fate and well-being of many human beings depend upon the grace and kindness of others, the wellness and survival of our animals increasingly depend upon our awareness, our concern, and our heart-centered connection with the extraordinary beauty and value in each one.

Today and always, may we be blessed with love and compassion, and may we bless all living beings with kindness, gentleness and gratitude.  And may we be a guardian and savior for all of the sweet animals who grace our world with their beauty, their magnificence and their love.

Blessings to All Who Care for the Animals,
